Sunday, July 1, 2012

All Good Things . . .

Today was the last day for Savor the Flavor, the local coffee house that has made such a huge difference in my life.  I am terribly sad to see it close, but I am heartened by two things: one is my friendship with the amazing owner of Flavor, Geri; and second is that I am excited for Geri as she moves on to a new adventure in her life.

Geri has had Savor open for eight years; I’ve been going about four.  In the last three or so I’ve become a regular--as in every day except Sunday, sitting in the same corner, drinking the same coffee.  “The Old Man in the Corner,” as Geri affectionately calls me.  Going to Savor every morning has become a ritual I delight in.  And I’ve met some wonderful people there, too, most I hope to continue to see semi-regularly, wherever we end up having our morning coffee; others have become close friends, and we’ll stay in regular touch.

But besides having a great coffee shop, Geri has had a greater impact: she has changed the community.  Many of the regulars have lived near each other for some time, but through Geri, and Savor, they have become friends.  Geri has made a difference in the community of Lincoln Park.  And we are all grateful.

Geri’s approach to customers was unique for a business.  She introduced herself to every customer and asked his or her name.  After two or three visits, she would remember your name.  She always had a smile and made everyone feel like they were special.  So many businesses could learn from Geri.

Today was the last day.  I made it by twice.  I had intended to stay to the bitter end, but my lousy knee was in terrific pain today--I could barely walk.  So I hobbled home before she closed for the last time.  That’s probably just as well.  I’m a sentimental old fool, and I would have been in tears, no doubt.
I wish you luck Geri.  And I know that wherever you go and whatever you do, you’ll continue to make a change in the world--a change for the better.

Love you, Kiddo!


  1. What a great tribute to Geri!! She's started the community growing--now you all have to keep watering and tending to it. Wished I had the chance to meet her and to Savor the Flavor!!

  2. A very warm and heartfelt tribute...I do hope you sent it to Geri. (And, since you always seem to denigrate your writing skills, well written.)
